Fingerprint scanners and facial recognition security
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Fingerprint scanners and facial recognition security

We have a lot of confidential corporate information in our office that we need to keep secure. Having key codes is hard because a lot of the staff forget them regularly and end up writing them down, which ends up making our office a lot less safe! As a result, we have switched to using fingerprint and facial recognition security which is working a lot better. It's not like people can forget to bring their faces into work! This blog has some tips on how to switch your office to using more modern security options like fingerprint scanners and facial recognition security.

Fingerprint scanners and facial recognition security

Developing a strategy for managing traditional locks in your business

Armando Davis

While there are many advanced locking systems currently in the market, most businesses still use traditional locks for a majority of their doors. Depending on the size of your establishment, traditional locks are more cost-effective and easy to maintain for many parts of the premises.

However, these locks come along with keys that need to be kept safe and available for use when they are needed. This is why you need to develop a reliable strategy for managing all the keys in your business.

Start with determining the types of locks to use 

With traditional locks, it's important to have a standardised system in place. Rather than having many different manufacturer locks on your doors, try to work with one locksmith in order to develop a uniform locking system across the entire building. This will make it easier for your employees to access areas where they need to without any delays.

You should also decide if you need a standard security locking system or a high security system. With standard security, modifications to the locks are easily carried out, locks are widely available, and keys can be easily duplicated. High security systems are typically more restrictive in terms of availability and key duplication.   

Balance between traditional locks and advanced systems

There will be areas of the business that will require higher security and access control than others. For example, safes where money is stored, storage rooms where supplies are kept, and computer control rooms where servers are maintained will need extra protection than traditional locks. In such areas, install advanced systems such as electronic or biometric locks. These systems are easier to control access and reduce the likelihood of security concerns.

To make things easier to manage, develop an organisational chart that identifies all the doors and who has access to each room.

Determine where keys will be stored

Another important step is to determine where your physical keys will be stored. Rather than leaving the keys hanging on door locks, work with a locksmith to design a key cabinet (or a hanging key file) that is properly labelled.

You can then decide who will have access to the cabinet in order to distribute the keys to employees when they need access to various rooms.

Establish a framework for replacing lost keys

If an employee reports a lost key, you should have a policy in place for replacing it quickly. Have a locksmith available who handles your key cutting requests. You can also choose to replace the specific lock and issue a new set of keys altogether for security reasons.
