Fingerprint scanners and facial recognition security
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Fingerprint scanners and facial recognition security

We have a lot of confidential corporate information in our office that we need to keep secure. Having key codes is hard because a lot of the staff forget them regularly and end up writing them down, which ends up making our office a lot less safe! As a result, we have switched to using fingerprint and facial recognition security which is working a lot better. It's not like people can forget to bring their faces into work! This blog has some tips on how to switch your office to using more modern security options like fingerprint scanners and facial recognition security.

Fingerprint scanners and facial recognition security

  • Developing a strategy for managing traditional locks in your business

    28 March 2018

    While there are many advanced locking systems currently in the market, most businesses still use traditional locks for a majority of their doors. Depending on the size of your establishment, traditional locks are more cost-effective and easy to maintain for many parts of the premises. However, these locks come along with keys that need to be kept safe and available for use when they are needed. This is why you need to develop a reliable strategy for managing all the keys in your business.